
Having computer problems?  We have the ability to repair and upgrade:

Desktop and laptop Computers
Windows, Mac OS and Linux
Enterprise networks
wireless networks

Want to transfer your VHS or 8mm tapes to:


How about transferring your records or cassette tapes to: 


We have the ability to do all of that for you!

(within the limitations of copyright laws, of course)


 PC CPR can also create your website for you!!!

We’ll take care of the entire procedure, including:
1  Creating the site
1  Registering your domain name
1  Finding a server to host your site
1  Showing you how to administer the site or administer it for you (for a monthly fee)

Want to learn how to “Do it yourself?”
No Problem!  Greg is a NJ Certified Teacher and an IT professional with years of experience in both.  He can teach you anything you are interested in learning about.